This is a princesses themed scavenger hunt game intended for Pre literate kids, and played Out in nature.
This was created for a Forest Princess party we are having outdoors. A fun way to add nature to the fun. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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princesses scavenger hunt background
Princess Aaliyah loves these creatures for their sweet song that floats through the air. Can you sing like the birds?
Princess collects these because no two pebbles are the same- just like people.Keep one in your pocket to remember that.
Butterflies show change. They begin as a caterpillar and grow into beautiful creatures. When you find one you must float like a butterfly till you find your next clue
Lady Bugs are said to be GOOD LUCK. When you see one you should make a WISH!
Ants are hard little workers! Even though they are so small they can move MOUNTAINS! March in a line and whistle to your next clue
Frogs are usually near water and like to CHILL on lily pads. They get around by leaping. Play LEAP FROG to your next clue!
Every tree bears a different leaf. Each leaf is different. Find 2 different leaves.
Flowers come in all shapes colors and sizes.Each is beautiful gift from God. Give a flower to a friend to make them smile.
Grass is God's green carpet Take off your shoes and feel the grass between your toes!
SMILES are a way to show you are happy. Find Princess Aaliyah and give her a big HUG so she knows that you have enjoyed her birthday party!!

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